
  Call Center


We are offering reliable call center services to clients from different industries including telecom, banking, etc. We have a dedicated team of experienced agents and engineers, who are trained and certified for delivering satisfactory support services to the customers. Our professionals are bilingual and have good experience in dealing with different types of customers.


Our call center outsourcing services mainly include

1. Customer support: whether it is about building a new customer base, or retaining the loyal customers, the contact center has been delivering competitive results for SMEs and large enterprises, with the same efficiency.

2. Technical support: It is difficult for customers to keep pace with the growing technology. Yet, one has to adapt to the changing environment gradually. Technical support services extend all necessary help to customers, to help them adapt to the changing technological trends.

3. Inbound services: inbound call center service works with respect to incoming calls by customers, and work as a contact center for their customers. This ensures a reduction in the number of dissatisfied customers.

4. Outbound services: calling potential customers for lead generation, marketing and customer surveys, product promotion, debt collection, appointment scheduling tec, forms a part of our outbound services. These services help organizations expand their business.

5. Finance and Accounting service: outsourcing billing services, processing insurance, mortage claims, preparing reconciliation statements, asset management or other finance and accouting services can be convenient handles by outsourced partners. Outsourcing call center services ensure that better services are delivered on time with cost efficiency. The service providers help their clients boost their businesses and at the same time execute important business processes.